Sunday, March 29, 2015

To Dream a Dream

Everyone has dreams. From the time we are very little to the moment we take our last breath, there are things that we wish to happen in life.

I’m not talking about the dreams we have when we go to bed each night, although I do believe the fertile ground of sleep can nurture the seeds of possibility.

I’m thinking more about the Dreams that buoy around us in our waking hours.  With a capital D.

One of my dreams is the Dream of Adventure…being in Nature…exploring new places…hiking.  Really- any hike is worthy of a spot in my Dream tapestry…but I imagine hiking big mountains too…14ers in Colorado…Kilimanjaro in Africa.

The energy surrounding a dream is timeless. Think about a moment when you saw a piece of artwork, or read a book that touched your soul. The creator of that book….the artist of that picture… all had a dream which was fulfilled. And in that fulfillment, an energy was created that still touches those who are meant to be touched.

A dream shared grows stronger.  Being vulnerable in the tender spot of our soul takes great courage. But as we take that step of trust, an amazing thing happens. When we share our passion, our creativity, our dreams...we not only nurture ourselves and our inner calling- but our Dream can spark the birth of a Dream in another.

The spirit of a Dream runs deep and inspiration emerges in many ways. Another can hold the space for your dream to unfold, thus held in the heart and intention of another. So the power surrounding the dream expands, and the tapestry of possibility grows.

I have experienced this in my life. Sweet friends have made comments like, “Knowing you….I expect you can do this.”  Trainer Tim from the Gym held this intention for me 5 years ago when he helped me set my goals and intentions and now says...”Here you are, making your dream happen.” Trainer Sean is now stepping up to the plate and holding an intention of success as I train even deeper.

A special person in my life sends me a gorgeous print of Kilimanjaro.  

Even individuals whom I have never met…Colorado mountaineers who set their sights on the most giant of the giants, such as Everest and Lhotse offer a kind word of encouragement. They know that a dream is a dream….and there is no hierarchy when it comes to matters of the heart. 

So, thus the tapestry of possibility is created. As others hold their part…it’s up to me to climb up onto that Dream…much like a trampoline…and jump high with my arms spread wide and a happy smile on my face and in my heart.

What dreams do you have? What feeds your soul and nourishes your heart? Enjoy the dream…enjoy the journey and share with the rest of us so we can help hold your dream in a sacred place of possibility.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Pursuit of Happiness

Most of us, if asked would probably agree “happiness” is important. It is something we strive for and we feel like that we “deserve” it. We have the best of intentions as we set about trying to make happiness happen. Many books have been written discussing happiness, and have offered detailed information on how to create or find happiness. There have been Happiness Projects. In fact, I've read many of those books, and have been intrigued by those who make happiness a project.  It’s all been helpful.

However, sometimes I wonder if I over think it. Does happiness need to be pursued? Does it need to be a project?

Is it such a grand undertaking to pave the path to happiness? And just how far away is it, anyway? Do we need a GPS that gives us step-by-step directions?

I think that I've been chasing something that I don’t need to chase. Maybe happiness is not the destination, but is something that quietly simmers within each one of us. The GPS we should follow is our own- our God Powered Soul- that which is omnipresent within each of us. We can just be…happy.

The journey is the one within. We simply make the choice to allow- to deeply allow happiness that is within each of us to emerge.

Like anything else- it’s up to us to allow it to be revealed, right?

We can resist, we can deny, we can hang on to our stories…the times we perceived we were denied that which we needed to be happy. There can be emotional stragglers from our past taunting us that we are somehow falling short of the mark.  We can choose to spew litanies to anyone who will listen about why we are not happy, or whose fault it might be that happiness eludes us….but it’s not the real truth of the matter.

The truth of the matter is that when we can sit quietly with our thoughts- when we turn our direction within…our inner GPS…God Powered Soul will illuminate the way… and the wells where happiness lives bubbles up to nourish our body and our soul.

Here is a simple way we can connect to happiness.

Try it right now. Sit quietly, close your eyes and take several slow deep breaths.  Feel your body relax. Allow any feelings, thoughts or emotions just rise up into your awareness and gently float away. Know that this is a moment of peace. 

Allow a color to come to your awareness….what color does happiness look like to you?

Visualize that color.  Allow it to fill your body….bathing the tips of your toes to the top of your head…see that color of happiness swirl gently around you…spreading out several inches from your body.

The color may change…it may morph from one hue to another. It’s ok.  Create your own mosaic…weaving together a comforting quilt of colors in which to wrap around your sweet tender self.
As new fresh space is created, the fountain of happiness settles in, creating a new imprint of happiness that just is.  

Try it every day for a week or two, and let me know how your life changes!

happiness by the water

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Intent of Winter

It’s a cold Colorado morning.  Temperatures hovering in the teens give pause for extra thought and care before one ventures out for the day. However, as I sit here in the wee morning hours, sipping on a cup of coffee, warm and cozy, I recognize there are still secrets to unravel from the lessons of Winter.

There’s a certain amount of magnificence within the cold and snowy landscape.  It’s a gentle nudge from Nature to slow down, to look within, and to allow ones inner growth, creativity and passions to percolate just a little longer, insulated and safe...but gathering steam nonetheless.

 I've been amazed by how peaceful it is to watch the falling snow and to embrace the space between the snowflakes. There is beauty to behold from the snow gathering on the treetops-insulating the bare vulnerable branches. It feels like Mother Nature’s intent supports hibernation and reflection….which without a doubt will lead to the promise of spring. New growth within those trees is already awakening, getting ready to burst out with new possibilities and a fullness of spirit.

Our inner essence is much the same, I believe. In those sacred times of reflection…when we heed the soft whispers offered by Nature, it allows that which has been simmering the space from which to emerge.