Monday, November 25, 2019

The Adventures of Sue and Sadie: Episode 148: Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s a wondrous time of year. Winter is approaching.  There is a stark honesty in this cycle of seasons. Reflection is necessary.

The trees are barren. The canopy of of leaves that once were, have disappeared.

The winds of change shake loose all that is no longer needed, as any mature and sturdy tree will tell you, stately in its naked vulnerability. “Let go of the past” the tree whispers...”There is so much yet to come.”

Darkness settles in early.  It nudges me to turn inward.

We each have an opportunity to connect to the magic that is happening deep within the core, the re-growth, the evolving metamorphosis simmering. We have the opportunity to trust.

We also have the opportunity to ignore it all, and fall into a pattern of wanting it to be different, to cling to what we think we want....usually to an aspect of our past. It’s our choice.

But, this is a time of renewal! Of appreciation. Of tender consideration for our blessings- sowing the seeds of possibility that will emerge and spring forth in future months as the frost melts and the sun blazes longer each day.

What a gift this life is.

Sadie and I sit by the fire on the eve of a Great Winter Storm. We are grateful. We are warm and fed.  We don’t have to travel. We can hunker down. The fireplace and Christmas tree lights provide reassurance. We are loved by so many family and friends. We have cherished new friends, who have offered their presence in ways that can only be met by immense gratitude.

This inner glow of thanksgiving grows stronger. It connects and surrounds each of you.

Winter holds the space of what can be. I am excited to see what emerges.  I know I am in charge of my creation.  I work on it with a joyful heart every day. You are in charge of yours. What will it be?! 

Dream big. Dream often.

I am thankful for this wonderful life. For each of you.

Sadie rests on her bed...allowing what is to be. She’ll be grateful for one more night time walk. She’ll be grateful for her bedtime treat. Yet... she doesn’t expect it. She’s pretty much in the present moment all of the time.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Be well. Be happy,

Until next time,
Sadie and Sue

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