Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Adventures of Sadie and Sue. Episode 149. Truth.

Sadie and I have been contemplating some deep subjects lately. She...mostly laying on her mostly pecking on the computer gazing at the full moon rising.

But my friends, what are the layers and depth of truth? The raw, unfiltered willingness to be completely vulnerable, immune to the thoughts, comments and opinions of others. To be that truth that resides deep in your soul.

Upsetting the norm is seldom easy. Thinking outside the box can land you on a desert island...wondering both how you got there, and feeling immense gratitude that you did.

Knowing others you love have a different path...perhaps lest fraught with the sinkholes and the angst you might have experienced. But appearances can be tricky. There’s much more below the surface. What I might perceive as easy, for someone else, could be riddled with emotions and feelings that have a depth and breadth that needs to be honored and acknowledged. And if they have the courage to express that, I have to get out of my own way and be there for them.

It’s much more difficult to show our vulnerability, our truth, than our outward appearance. I know. I’ve lived that many times.

Maybe it’s more of creating an openness. Allowing those you are blessed to invite into your life...their space to be. Send love, send wisdom, and send understanding. But allow and trust their path is perfect. Be the one to set down the next paver, if they allow, and then get out of the way. Help pull out the weeds, if they allow. Then get out of the way. Trust.

Maybe, instead of thinking about it, we can just be the “courage” to takes to embark on a path that invites edge, that welcomes conflict, that embraces what might seem impossible. Maybe that path turns out to be the most amazing path one could have ever dreamed of. What if that?

I don’t know, friends. Everyone has a journey. I’m so grateful for mine. Ups and downs. Shaking out all that stale stuff, liberating the space to add something new. Feeling pushed to the edge of possibility, and feeling fear in my throat before I jump. And making a choice to jump anyway. What’s the worst that could happen? The net has always appeared.                                                                Maybe this ‘tis the season.I appreciate the résumé of my  life. Every darn bit of it. It had purpose. It’s brought me to where I am, and that’s a pretty cool spot. If any might judge- go for it. That's your call.

Love you all. Sadie and I wish you the best holiday season and a year ahead chock-filled with blessings that overflow your heart and soul. Truth.                                                                                 

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Adventures of Sue and Sadie: Episode 148: Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s a wondrous time of year. Winter is approaching.  There is a stark honesty in this cycle of seasons. Reflection is necessary.

The trees are barren. The canopy of of leaves that once were, have disappeared.

The winds of change shake loose all that is no longer needed, as any mature and sturdy tree will tell you, stately in its naked vulnerability. “Let go of the past” the tree whispers...”There is so much yet to come.”

Darkness settles in early.  It nudges me to turn inward.

We each have an opportunity to connect to the magic that is happening deep within the core, the re-growth, the evolving metamorphosis simmering. We have the opportunity to trust.

We also have the opportunity to ignore it all, and fall into a pattern of wanting it to be different, to cling to what we think we want....usually to an aspect of our past. It’s our choice.

But, this is a time of renewal! Of appreciation. Of tender consideration for our blessings- sowing the seeds of possibility that will emerge and spring forth in future months as the frost melts and the sun blazes longer each day.

What a gift this life is.

Sadie and I sit by the fire on the eve of a Great Winter Storm. We are grateful. We are warm and fed.  We don’t have to travel. We can hunker down. The fireplace and Christmas tree lights provide reassurance. We are loved by so many family and friends. We have cherished new friends, who have offered their presence in ways that can only be met by immense gratitude.

This inner glow of thanksgiving grows stronger. It connects and surrounds each of you.

Winter holds the space of what can be. I am excited to see what emerges.  I know I am in charge of my creation.  I work on it with a joyful heart every day. You are in charge of yours. What will it be?! 

Dream big. Dream often.

I am thankful for this wonderful life. For each of you.

Sadie rests on her bed...allowing what is to be. She’ll be grateful for one more night time walk. She’ll be grateful for her bedtime treat. Yet... she doesn’t expect it. She’s pretty much in the present moment all of the time.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Be well. Be happy,

Until next time,
Sadie and Sue

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Single Woman and Her Dog: The Adventures of Sue & Sadie- Episode 147

It was a pretty chill weekend, no grand adventures on my part except for trying to whittle down an ever expanding ‘to do’ list and resisting the backache it gave me every time I tried to lift it up.

However, in Sadie’s eyes, it was a very good weekend, because it included a trip to the dog park. Doggie nirvana. Smells galore, dogs to run with and so, so many balls to chase.

It occurred to me as I watched her happily settle down to rest after chasing 65 and a half balls, that the joyful look on her face, that doggie smile, was probably exactly the same way she was feeling on the inside.  Kind of a ‘what you see is what you get’ situation.

And that made me think about the faces I show. How often does it truly reflect what I am feeling inside? I’m aware there is sometimes a gap. Sometimes I am spot on, and that feels great. And then there are the times I appear confident, calm and collected, and feel sad or scared or a hot mess on the inside.

Just how big is that gap?

I see this in others too.

I’ve seen my grandkids minimize a consequence when with careful inquiry, it actually made a deeper impact on them than they showed.

I’ve seen this with many friends, co-workers and neighbors.

Recently a dear friend trusted me enough to be vulnerable and share how something I did made him feel. It caught me by surprise because I had no idea it impacted him that way. I interpreted his response to a conversation we had at face value, no big deal... when in fact, it was a pretty big deal.
I’m so glad we were able to talk about it. It takes courage to share how we really feel.

We don’t often know the struggles someone has or the deep wounds they carry. Those signs might be invisible or easily glossed over.

We accept what we see because maybe we are really busy conforming and contorting our own face we choose to show. We miss stuff that way. Big stuff.

Veneers don’t often serve us, do they?

It opened my eyes  more to thinking about who I really am and considering just how big that gap is on the inside... that reflects to the outside.

 It’s an inner challenge to shrink it. To be more in touch with the authentic me, the mostly happy, go lucky woman who has ups and downs just like everyone else.  When I present that authentic self...well, magic happens.

I want to live my life from that place more often.

I bet I’m not alone.

What would it be like if we could connect on that level, heart to heart? Knowing on this adventure called life, we have all sustained bumps and bruises. Appreciating how priceless it is when you have special people in your life that can walk with you through them, good, bad or indifferent. No judging. Just accepting.

Sadie has no pretenses. I pretty much know all the time how she is doing. And with a heart to heart connection. No words are needed. She’s just being who she is. Looking for treats, chasing balls and curled up next to me on a chilly fall night. Looking at me with concern if she senses something is not quite right. Offering her presence and just being love and truth.

I want to be more like her.

Closing with a quote from my favorite sweatshirt...Live a great story, friends. Until next time.

S & S

Sunday, October 6, 2019

A Single Woman and Her Dog: The Adventures of Sue & Sadie- Episode 146.

So, this is actually our first official team adventure. The other 145 sprinkled throughout the year are best left for private introspection, and adventure might not be the best descriptor for a boat load of change. And I really like the numbers 146. I’ll explain that another time.

Today, Sadie and I were in search of aspen trees showing off their pretty yellow and red colors. It’s a narrow window, but a guaranteed 5 star show.  In all truth, Sadie was in search of a ball to chase, as usual, but she’s a good sport and even better company. We stopped first for hot pumpkin coffee for me and a hot dog for her.  We headed west on Highway 285 to Staunton State Park. Kenosha Pass was the original destination, but having heard so many reports of long lines of cars and traffic, we came up with plan B.

Seeing the highway sign that said “Watch out for wildlife and falling rocks” made me very happy.  There was a time in my life where fear of driving this type of road would have prevented me from going. Now, I love the twists and turns and endless views! It feels good to not have that fear any longer.

Staunton State Park did not disappoint. There were small groves of beautiful aspens, some peak, some still approaching and a few past peak. Gorgeous. The crimson leaves twinkled in the soft breeze and danced in the reflection of the sunlight, coming alive only as aspens can. The trail was easy, albeit a bit crowded. However, it was great practice for us, and it certainly felt safe. The park volunteers were fun, and guided us to a nice trail. Sadie had plenty of opportunities to sniff and post her own strategically placed ‘What’s up pup’ messages. We enjoyed the fresh air, blue skies and a few hours connected to the great outdoors.  

A few rookie mistakes. I forgot my pack back and hiking boots! Easy to remedy this- they will be put in my winter bin in the Subaru for easy access.

Hopefully, we will have many adventures to share. As a single woman, I’ve decided to embrace and see all I can. It’s great to do this with family or friends, but everyone is busy and there’s no time like the present to create a great day. 

The boatload of change this year has inspired me to think outside the box and go for it. Realizing on the other side of sadness is joy.  On the other side of fear is courage. On the other side of regret is possibility. I’m spending much more time on the right side of that continuum, and that feels great.

And even in those moments when I do miss what was with a fierceness that produces a hot torrent of tears, I realize it’s not how far you fall, but the courage it takes to climb back up. To know that all we experience and all those we cherish, even those we may never see again, contributed to the tapestry of this grand life....each thread woven in cosmic perfection, forming a net that will always, always catch you, if you can surrender and trust.

We hope you’ll join us as we recount the fun we will have. I can’t promise every adventure will have Sadie included, as she will likely be the main star here, but I’m guessing most of them will.

Live a great story, friends. Until next time.

S & S

Friday, August 16, 2019

Becoming Super Natural...Let's Do This Together!

I want to share some pictures and thoughts about the Dr. Joe Dispenza event...’Becoming Supernatural’ that I was able to attend a few weeks ago in Portland.

It was seven days of a deep immersion into heavily researched quantum physics, into epigenetics... into 30 +hours of meditation...into brain and heart coherence...and recognizing each of us has the innate ability to create a life we want...which for many may look different than the life we might currently be experiencing. It was 12 to 14 hours a day of a deep immersion...and feeling like just moments. Time dissolved.

It was powerful beyond words.

It is simply the process of focusing on what you want...with such a clear intention and an elevated emotion...that can draw you to THAT. I truly believe that this is the future of our world.

I went in giving it my all. Sitting in line at 2 am with a happy heart...several days to capture a good spot for an early 4 am 4 hour meditation. 

Several other days walking in sunrise with 850 other beautiful souls as we created such amazing energy...we had Portland news coverage wondering who had invaded their city!

Meeting SO many beautiful beings from ALL over the world....everyone doing such great inner work with such sincere intention to create an even more magnificent world. I disconnected from my normal life in a way I don’t ever remember doing.

I Witnessed transformation and healing. There was an elderly lady from Colorado who came in a wheelchair... who donated it when she left. She didn’t need it anymore.  There was a women who healed herself over the past few years of Parkinson’s and a very serious spinal injury using Dr. Joe’s principals. 

So Many Testimonials. There were children there with health conditions that we were blessed to send healing energy to. And...This is just the beginning. There is much opportunity to dive even deeper....and I am so grateful to be a part of that vision. New friends.

I came back a different person. I am calmer, happy, and more more that than naught. I’m excited for this new moment. I’m excited to keep evolving and growing. It’s quite humbling and precious. Miracles do happen when you least expect them. I had my own quantum experience at the airport, which was NOT expected...words can’t quite explain it! Yet, it happened!

I’m diving in deep, my friends. Hoping to not only heal the parts in me that invite a new energy...but add whatever I can to the healing for others and for this amazing world we live in. Sometimes it’s ok to not have all the answers, but trust that life is unfolding just as it is supposed to. Comments welcomed.