Weekends are time for renewal, fun and rest. It's given me pause for thought this morning, as my " get up and go" has pretty much "got up and left." I'm wondering about the ways in which I have created so much busyness, most days of the week. My ideal morning is to wake up, meditate, enjoy a cup or two of coffee and relax in happy anticipation of what the day might bring. That sounds and feels like a relaxing day. Instead, what I feel is this underlying urgency to complete a laundry list of chores and obligations, including with no big surprise- the laundry.
Without fail, the list does not get completed, friends and family might feel slighted or ignored, and the day is done. Before I go to sleep, I gently take off my superwoman cape, shake out the wrinkles and hang it up for the following day, but it seems to me that the cape is getting a little ragged. And while I am not quite sure how I got appointed superwoman, I believe I may have had something to do with it.
So my quest today is to figure out how I might retire that cape. Discernment and caution is called for. I don't want to go shopping with all of my free time and pick up the Martyr Crown. Trust me, it beckons with an inviting eye and great promise.
The place where I want to be is one of balance. I feel my balance has been skewed to a dangerous wobble because I have not taken enough time for myself. And the recent need for weekly visits to the chiropractor might have been a not so subtle nudge to think about this...and adjust course to be in better alignment with my inner self, values and desires. Definitely something to ponder as I finish up the second cup of coffee!
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