Sadie and I have been contemplating some deep subjects lately. She...mostly laying on her mostly pecking on the computer gazing at the full moon rising.
But my friends, what are the layers and depth of truth? The raw, unfiltered willingness to be completely vulnerable, immune to the thoughts, comments and opinions of others. To be that truth that resides deep in your soul.
Upsetting the norm is seldom easy. Thinking outside the box can land you on a desert island...wondering both how you got there, and feeling immense gratitude that you did.
Knowing others you love have a different path...perhaps lest fraught with the sinkholes and the angst you might have experienced. But appearances can be tricky. There’s much more below the surface. What I might perceive as easy, for someone else, could be riddled with emotions and feelings that have a depth and breadth that needs to be honored and acknowledged. And if they have the courage to express that, I have to get out of my own way and be there for them.
It’s much more difficult to show our vulnerability, our truth, than our outward appearance. I know. I’ve lived that many times.
Maybe it’s more of creating an openness. Allowing those you are blessed to invite into your life...their space to be. Send love, send wisdom, and send understanding. But allow and trust their path is perfect. Be the one to set down the next paver, if they allow, and then get out of the way. Help pull out the weeds, if they allow. Then get out of the way. Trust.
Maybe, instead of thinking about it, we can just be the “courage” to takes to embark on a path that invites edge, that welcomes conflict, that embraces what might seem impossible. Maybe that path turns out to be the most amazing path one could have ever dreamed of. What if that?
I don’t know, friends. Everyone has a journey. I’m so grateful for mine. Ups and downs. Shaking out all that stale stuff, liberating the space to add something new. Feeling pushed to the edge of possibility, and feeling fear in my throat before I jump. And making a choice to jump anyway. What’s the worst that could happen? The net has always appeared. Maybe this ‘tis the season.I appreciate the résumé of my life. Every darn bit of it. It had purpose. It’s brought me to where I am, and that’s a pretty cool spot. If any might judge- go for it. That's your call.
Love you all. Sadie and I wish you the best holiday season and a year ahead chock-filled with blessings that overflow your heart and soul. Truth.