Friday, August 16, 2019

Becoming Super Natural...Let's Do This Together!

I want to share some pictures and thoughts about the Dr. Joe Dispenza event...’Becoming Supernatural’ that I was able to attend a few weeks ago in Portland.

It was seven days of a deep immersion into heavily researched quantum physics, into epigenetics... into 30 +hours of meditation...into brain and heart coherence...and recognizing each of us has the innate ability to create a life we want...which for many may look different than the life we might currently be experiencing. It was 12 to 14 hours a day of a deep immersion...and feeling like just moments. Time dissolved.

It was powerful beyond words.

It is simply the process of focusing on what you want...with such a clear intention and an elevated emotion...that can draw you to THAT. I truly believe that this is the future of our world.

I went in giving it my all. Sitting in line at 2 am with a happy heart...several days to capture a good spot for an early 4 am 4 hour meditation. 

Several other days walking in sunrise with 850 other beautiful souls as we created such amazing energy...we had Portland news coverage wondering who had invaded their city!

Meeting SO many beautiful beings from ALL over the world....everyone doing such great inner work with such sincere intention to create an even more magnificent world. I disconnected from my normal life in a way I don’t ever remember doing.

I Witnessed transformation and healing. There was an elderly lady from Colorado who came in a wheelchair... who donated it when she left. She didn’t need it anymore.  There was a women who healed herself over the past few years of Parkinson’s and a very serious spinal injury using Dr. Joe’s principals. 

So Many Testimonials. There were children there with health conditions that we were blessed to send healing energy to. And...This is just the beginning. There is much opportunity to dive even deeper....and I am so grateful to be a part of that vision. New friends.

I came back a different person. I am calmer, happy, and more more that than naught. I’m excited for this new moment. I’m excited to keep evolving and growing. It’s quite humbling and precious. Miracles do happen when you least expect them. I had my own quantum experience at the airport, which was NOT expected...words can’t quite explain it! Yet, it happened!

I’m diving in deep, my friends. Hoping to not only heal the parts in me that invite a new energy...but add whatever I can to the healing for others and for this amazing world we live in. Sometimes it’s ok to not have all the answers, but trust that life is unfolding just as it is supposed to. Comments welcomed.